Everything You Need to Know About Math in Spanish

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math in Spanish
  • Luis Ronson
  • 25 Feb, 2024
  • 5 Mins Read

Mathematics is a universal language and the easiest way to express numbers and symbols. It is a broad and fascinating field of study encompassing many areas, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, trigonometry, and statistics.

Learning Spanish math terms will make it easier for you in your daily life and education. Knowing a language’s basic rules and vocabulary will also enable you to speak more fluently. Regardless of the linguistic or cultural barriers, the beauty of math lies in its ability to transcend boundaries. 

Mathematical terms, symbols, and concepts need to be named and understood within the context of each language. Therefore, to truly grasp math in Spanish, it is essential to familiarize yourself with the corresponding math terms used in the Spanish language.

For instance, “suma” for addition, “resta” for subtraction, “multiplicación” for multiplication, and “división” for division.

Why Learn Math Vocabulary in Spanish?

Learning a new language is a multi-faceted process encompassing various knowledge areas. While starting with basic math vocabulary and Spanish grammar rules is crucial, expanding your language skills to include Spanish math vocabulary can significantly enhance your proficiency. Learning math terms in Spanish goes beyond everyday numbers; it allows you to engage with the subject more specialized and comprehensively. Learning Spanish mathematics vocabulary will benefit you in your student life, career, and research.

What are Basic Math Terms in Spanish?

Mathematics in Spanish is expressed as Matemática or Matemáticas. Learning essential math words will be very useful when shopping.

Basic Spanish math terms are shown in the table below.

Spanish Math TermsEnglish Math Terms
las matemáticasmath
el número number
pareven number 
imparodd number
El número primoPrime number
El número ordinalOrdinal number
El número PiPi number
sumarto add
El cálculoCalculus
El álgebraAlgebra
La aritméticaArithmetics
La geometríaGeometry
restarto subtract
multiplicarto multiply
tablas de multiplicartimes tables
dividirto divide
MedirTo measure
ContarTo count
Menor queLess than
Mayor queGreater than

What are Math Symbols in Spanish?

Spanish math symbols are shown in the table below.

Math Symbols in Spanish


Spanish Math SymbolsEnglish Math Terms
+  (más)+ (plus)
– (menos)– (minus)
x (por)x (times)
÷ (dividido entre)÷ (divided by)
. (punto) . (point)
% (por ciento)% (percent)
% (porcentaje)% (percentage)
√ (raíz cuadrada) (square root)
∛ (raíz cúbica) (cubic root)
= (igual)= (equal)
X2  (X squared)X2  (X al cuadrado)
≠ (desigual)≠ (unequal)
( ) los paréntesis( ) (parenthesis)
{ } las llaves{ } (brackets)
/ (la barra de fracciones)/ (fraction slash)
< (menor que)< (less than)
> (mayor que)> (greater than)
≤ (menor o igual a)≤ (less than or equal to)
≥ (mayor o igual a)≥ (greater than or equal to)
° (los grados)° (degrees)


What are Algebra Terms in Spanish?

Spanish Algebra terms are shown in the table below.

Spanish Algebra TermsEnglish Algebra Terms
La sumaAddition
La restaSubtraction
La multiplicaciónMultiplication
La divisiónDivision
La porcentajePercentage
El ecuaciónEquation
El monomioMonomial
El binomioBinomial
El polinomioPolynomial
El trinomioTrinomial
La factorizaciónFactoring
Los términosTerms
La variableVariable
La constanteConstant
La exponenteExponent
Las funcionesFunctions
El cosenoCosine
El senoSine
El logaritmoLogarithm
Las secuenciasSequences
Las seriesSeries
El gráficoGraph
La matrizMatrix
El vectorVector


What are Geometry Terms in Spanish?

Spanish Geometry terms are shown in the table below.

Geometry Terms in Spanish


Spanish Geometry TermsEnglish Geometry Terms
las figuras geométricasgeometric shapes
el cuadradosquare
el rectángulorectangle
el triángulotriangle
el triángulo equiláteroequilateral triangle
el triángulo isóscelesisosceles triangle
el círculocircle
el rombodiamond
el trapeciotrapezium
el pentágonopentagon
el hexágonohexagon
el octágonooctagon
el dodecaedrododecahedron
el paralelogramoparallelogram
el cubocubo
el prismaprism
el prisma rectangularrectangular prism
la pirámidepyramid
la pirámide pentagonal pentagonal pyramid
la esferasphere
el conocone
el cilindrocylinder
la circunferenciacircumference
el radioradius
el diámetrodiameter
el perímetroperimeter
el áreaarea
la distanciadistance
la hipotenusahypotenuse
el catetoleg or side
la longitudlength
el volumenvolume
la capacidadcapacity
la línealine
la línea rectastraight line
la línea curvacurved line
la basebase
la alturaheight
la esquinacorner
el ánguloangle
el ángulo rectoright angle
el ángulo obtusoobtuse angle
el ángulo agudoacute angle
el ángulo reflexivoreflex angle
el gradodegree
la simetríasymmetry
la superficiesurface
el arcoarc
la longitud de arcoarc length

What are Advanced Math Terms in Spanish?

Spanish advanced math terms are listed in the tablado below.

Spanish Advanced Math TermsEnglish Advanced Math Terms
El promedioAverage
La derivadaDerivative
El gradienteGradient
La integralIntegral
El intervaloInterval
El principioPrinciple
La probabilidadProbability
El teorema de PitágorasThe Pythagorean theorem
El cocienteQuotient
El resultadoResult
La rotaciónRotation
El segmentoSegment
La unidadUnit
El valorValue

What are some Recommended Resources for Learning Math in Spanish?

There are several textbooks, online courses, and educational apps designed specifically for Spanish-speaking learners. Some popular options include “Matemáticas para Todos” and “Khan Academy en Español.”

Who is the Famous Spanish Mathematicians?

Famous Spanish mathematicians are listed below.

  • Luis Santaló: A Hispanic mathematician known for his work in differential geometry and geometric probability theory. He made significant contributions to the study of integral geometry.
  • Federico García Moliner: A Hispanic mathematician recognized for his work in functional analysis and mathematical physics.
  • Miguel de Guzmán: A spanish mathematician known for his work in harmonic analysis, partial differential equations, and mathematical physics.
  • Luz de Teresa: A Spanish mathematician specializing in the control theory of parabolic partial differential equations.


Luis Ronson

Luis Ronson is a Spanish teacher at onlinelearnspanish.com. He's a bilingual Spanish-English. She has a master's in "vocabulary" and is responsible for our Spanish vocabulary-related articles.

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