Learn the 8 Planets in Spanish

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Learn the 8 Planets in Spanish
  • Luis Ronson
  • 08 Apr, 2024
  • 6 Mins Read

Learning about the planets in Spanish allows you to make scientific sentences and speak fluently. Knowing the solar system in Spanish, learning the names of the Spanish planets and doing exercises will make learning Spanish more fun.

Planets are celestial bodies that rotate the sun in a fixed orbit. The solar system consists of eight main planets: Mercurio, Venus, La Tierra, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, Urano and Neptuno.

Basic Spanish Vocabulary About Planets

Before learning Spanish Planet names, you need to learn basic words about the solar system. Words related to astronomy have Latin and Greek alphabet origins.

Basic Spanish words related to our solar system are listed below. You can practice by listening to learn word pronunciations.

  • El Sistema Solar 
  • Los Planetas 
  • El Planeta 
  • Astronomía  
  • El Espacio   

The 8 Main Planets Names in Spanish

The names of the 8 main planets in Spanish are listed below.

  1. Mercurio
  2. Venus
  3. La Tierra
  4. Marte
  5. Júpiter
  6. Saturno
  7. Urano
  8. Neptuno

    1. Mercurio

    Mercurio, one of the smallest planets in the Solar System, harbors a host of intriguing features. Its slow rotation means that a year on Mercurio equates to just two Mercurio days. The closest planet to the sun Mercurio, is a rocky world known for its extreme temperatures and crater-covered surface.


    2. Venus

    Venus, often referred to as La Tierra’s “sister planet” due to its similar size and composition, holds a number of lesser-known characteristics that intrigue scientists. Venus experiences a phenomenon known as “retrograde rotation,” where it rotates in the opposite direction to most other planets in the solar system.

    3. La Tierra

    While it’s widely recognized as the only known planet to support life, few may realize that La Tierra is also the only planet not named after a mythical god or goddess. Additionally, Earth’s atmosphere, primarily composed of nitrogen and oxygen, extends far beyond its surface, gradually thinning into space.

    4. Marte

    Marte, the fourth planet from the Sun, holds a trove of lesser-known facts that add to its mystique. While it’s widely recognized for its rusty-red appearance, few may realize that Marte boasts the tallest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons, reaching an astonishing height of over 21 kilometers. Despite its reputation as a cold and desolate desert world, Marte experiences extreme weather phenomena, including dust storms that can envelop the entire planet for months at a time.

    5. Júpiter

    Despite its rapid rotation, Júpiter’s days are actually shorter than its years, with a day lasting just under 10 hours while a year spans nearly 12 Earth years. Additionally, Júpiter’s magnetosphere is the strongest of any planet, creating a vast and powerful magnetic field that extends millions of kilometers into space, shaping its unique radiation belts and auroras.

    6. Saturno

    While its rings are its most iconic feature, few realize that Saturno’s rings are not solid structures but rather made up of countless particles of ice, rock, and dust, ranging in size from tiny grains to large boulders. Moreover, Saturno boasts the second-fastest winds in the solar system, with wind speeds reaching up to 1,800 kilometers per hour in its equatorial region, creating powerful jet streams that encircle the planet.

    7. Urano

    Urano, the seventh planet from the Sun, derives its name from the Greek god of the sky, Urano, who is also the father of Saturn and the grandfather of Júpiter according to Greek mythology. Discovered in 1781 by the British astronomer William Herschel, Urano is notable for its distinct pale blue color, which is due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere. Unlike most other planets in the solar system, Urano rotates on its side, with its axis tilted almost parallel to its orbital plane, causing extreme seasonal variations.

    8. Neptuno

    Neptuno, the eighth and farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system, is named after the Roman god of the sea. It was discovered in 1846 by the astronomers Urbain Le Verrier, John Couch Adams, and Johann Galle through mathematical predictions rather than direct observation. Neptuno is predominantly composed of hydrogen, helium, and water, with a deep blue coloration due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere.

    Example Sentences About the Solar System and Planets in Spanish

    1.  The solar system is composed of eight planets, including Earth.
      (El sistema solar está compuesto por ocho planetas, incluyendo la Tierra.)
    2. Mars is known as the “red planet” due to its characteristic color.
      (Marte es conocido como el “planeta rojo” debido a su color característico.)
    3. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and has a Great Red Spot, a gigantic storm that has been active for centuries.
      (Júpiter es el planeta más grande de nuestro sistema solar y tiene una Gran Mancha Roja, una gigantesca tormenta que ha estado activa durante siglos.)
    4. Saturn is famous for its spectacular rings composed mainly of ice and dust particles.
      (Saturno es famoso por sus espectaculares anillos compuestos principalmente de partículas de hielo y polvo.)
    5. Neptune is the farthest planet from the solar system and has a distinctive blue hue due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere.
      (Neptuno es el planeta más lejano del sistema solar y tiene un tono azul distintivo debido a la presencia de metano en su atmósfera.)
    6. Uranus has a tilted rotation axis, which means it spins on its side compared to other planets.
      (Urano tiene un eje de rotación inclinado, lo que significa que gira de lado en comparación con otros planetas.)
    7. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and experiences temperature extremes, with scorching heat during the day and intense cold at night.
      (Mercurio es el planeta más cercano al Sol y experimenta extremos de temperatura, con calor abrasador durante el día y frío intenso durante la noche.)
    8. Venus is known as Earth’s “twin planet” due to its similar size and composition, but its dense atmosphere makes it the hottest planet in the solar system.
      (Venus es conocido como el “planeta gemelo” de la Tierra debido a su tamaño y composición similares, pero su atmósfera densa lo convierte en el planeta más caliente del sistema solar.)

    Songs and Podcasts About the Spanish Planets Names

    If you want to learn the solar system and planet names in a more entertaining way, you can benefit from our podcast and song we have prepared for you.



    Galaxy and Cosmos Related Spanish Advanced Vocabulary

    Below is a comprehensive word table for you to get more detailed Spanish vocabulary about our universe, galaxy and cosmos.

     English Spanish
     Galaxy Galaxia
     Universe Universo
     Solar System Sistema Solar
     Star Estrella
     Sun Sol
     Moon Luna
    Planetary ExplorationExploración Planetaria
    Space StationEstación Espacial
    Hubble Space TelescopeTelescopio Espacial Hubble
     Asteroid Asteroide
     Meteor Meteoro
     Black Hole Agujero Negro
     Nebula Nebulosa
    Milky WayVía Láctea
    Cosmic DustPolvo Cósmico
    Cosmic RadiationRadiación Cósmica
    Celestial BodyCuerpo Celeste
    Luis Ronson

    Luis Ronson is a Spanish teacher at onlinelearnspanish.com. He's a bilingual Spanish-English. She has a master's in "vocabulary" and is responsible for our Spanish vocabulary-related articles.

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