In Spanish, the letter “D” is the fourth letter in the alphabet. The letter “D” is frequently used at the beginning and inside of various words in Spanish. According to the SpanishDict dictionary, there are more than 2,100 words that start with “D.”
The following are examples of Spanish, nouns, verbs, adversb, adjectives and other words that begin with D.
Table of Contents
What are Spanish Nouns Starting With D?
Some of the most commonly used Spanish nouns starting with D are shown in the table below.
Spanish | English |
Día | Day |
Dinero | Money |
Dedo | Finger |
Dolor | Pain |
Diente | Tooth |
Doctor | Doctor |
Dama | Lady |
Deseo | Desire |
Desayuno | Breakfast |
Duda | Doubt |
Dibujo | Drawing |
Ducha | Shower |
Dirección | Address |
Despertador | Alarm clock |
Derecho | Right |
Debido | Due |
Dulce | Sweet |
Destino | Destiny |
Defensa | Defense |
Don | Gift |
Demonio | Demon |
Duda | Doubt |
What are Spanish Verbs Starting With D?
Some of the most commonly used Spanish verbs starting with D are shown in the table below.
Spanish | English |
Dar | To give |
Decir | To say |
Dormir | To sleep |
Desear | To wish |
Despertar | To wake up |
Deber | To owe |
Doblar | To fold |
Decidir | To decide |
Durar | To last |
Dudar | To doubt |
Doler | To hurt |
Disfrutar | To enjoy |
Dejar | To leave |
Descubrir | To discover |
Danzar | To dance |
Desaparecer | To disappear |
Dividir | To divide |
Derramar | To spill |
Despegar | To take off |
Describir | To describe |
Dirigir | To direct |
Despertar | To awaken |
What are Spanish Adverbs Starting With D?
Some of the most commonly used Spanish Adverbs starting with D are shown in the table below.
Spanish | English |
Demasiado | Too, too much |
Después | Afterwards |
Dentro | Inside |
De repente | Suddenly |
Diariamente | Daily |
De verdad | Really |
Dondequiera | Wherever |
Difícilmente | Hardly |
Directamente | Directly |
Desde luego | Of course |
Durante | During |
Dónde | Where |
De nuevo | Again |
De vez en cuando | From time to time |
De pronto | Suddenly |
Detrás | Behind |
Desafortunadamente | Unfortunately |
Dónde | Where |
Debajo | Below |
Delante | In front |
Diariamente | Daily |
Difícilmente | Hardly |
What are Spanish Adjectives Starting With D?
Some of the most commonly used Spanish Adjectives starting with D are shown in the table below.
Spanish | English |
Difícil | Difficult |
Dulce | Sweet |
Divertido | Fun |
Duro | Hard |
Delicioso | Delicious |
Directo | Direct |
Despierto | Awake |
Débil | Weak |
Diferente | Different |
Divino | Divine |
Deseado | Desired |
Digno | Worthy |
Dulce | Sweet |
Desesperado | Desperate |
Desconocido | Unknown |
Denso | Dense |
Desordenado | Messy |
Deslumbrante | Dazzling |
Desagradable | Unpleasant |
Deseable | Desirable |
Desinteresado | Selfless |
Despierto | Alert |
Spanish nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs starting with D will help improve your vocabulary. There are thousands of words that start with all the letters in the Spanish alphabet. Check out our articles to further expand your vocabulary.