Spanish Words That Start With D

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Spanish Words That Start With D
  • Luis Ronson
  • 10 Apr, 2024
  • 5 Mins Read

In Spanish, the letter “D” is the fourth letter in the alphabet. The letter “D” is frequently used at the beginning and inside of various words in Spanish. According to the SpanishDict dictionary, there are more than 2,100 words that start with “D.”

The following are examples of Spanish, nouns, verbs, adversb, adjectives and other words that begin with D. 

What are Spanish Nouns Starting With D?

Some of the most commonly used Spanish nouns starting with D are shown in the table below.

 Spanish English
Día   Day
 Dinero  Money
Dedo   Finger
Dolor   Pain
Diente   Tooth
Doctor   Doctor
Dama   Lady
Deseo   Desire
 Desayuno  Breakfast
 Duda  Doubt
Dibujo   Drawing
Ducha   Shower
Dirección Address
Despertador  Alarm clock
Derecho  Right
Debido  Due
Dulce  Sweet
Destino  Destiny
Defensa  Defense
Don  Gift
Demonio  Demon
Duda  Doubt

What are Spanish Verbs Starting With D?

Some of the most commonly used Spanish verbs starting with D are shown in the table below.

 Spanish English
Dar  To give
Decir  To say
Dormir  To sleep
Desear  To wish
Despertar  To wake up
Deber  To owe
Doblar  To fold
Decidir  To decide
Durar  To last
Dudar  To doubt
Doler  To hurt
Disfrutar  To enjoy
Dejar To leave
Descubrir To discover
Danzar To dance
Desaparecer To disappear
Dividir To divide
Derramar To spill
Despegar To take off
Describir To describe
Dirigir To direct
Despertar To awaken

What are Spanish Adverbs Starting With D?

Some of the most commonly used Spanish Adverbs starting with D are shown in the table below.

 Spanish English
Demasiado Too, too much
Después Afterwards
Dentro Inside
De repente  Suddenly
Diariamente   Daily
De verdad Really
Dondequiera  Wherever
Difícilmente   Hardly
Directamente   Directly
Desde luego  Of course
Durante  During
Dónde  Where
De nuevo  Again
De vez en cuando  From time to time
De pronto  Suddenly
Detrás  Behind
Desafortunadamente  Unfortunately
Dónde  Where
Debajo  Below
Delante  In front
Diariamente  Daily
Difícilmente  Hardly

What are Spanish Adjectives Starting With D?

Some of the most commonly used Spanish Adjectives starting with D are shown in the table below.

 Spanish English
Difícil   Difficult
Dulce   Sweet
Divertido   Fun
Duro   Hard
Delicioso   Delicious
Directo   Direct
Despierto   Awake
Débil   Weak
Diferente   Different
Divino  Divine 
Deseado   Desired
Digno   Worthy
Dulce  Sweet
Desesperado  Desperate
Desconocido  Unknown
Denso  Dense
Desordenado  Messy
Deslumbrante  Dazzling
Desagradable  Unpleasant
Deseable  Desirable
Desinteresado  Selfless
Despierto  Alert

Spanish nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs starting with D will help improve your vocabulary. There are thousands of words that start with all the letters in the Spanish alphabet. Check out our articles to further expand your vocabulary.

Luis Ronson

Luis Ronson is a Spanish teacher at He's a bilingual Spanish-English. She has a master's in "vocabulary" and is responsible for our Spanish vocabulary-related articles.

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