Most Commonly Used Spanish Synonyms List

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  • Luis Ronson
  • 10 Feb, 2024
  • 7 Mins Read

Spanish synonyms(sinónimo), are the words that have the same or very similar meaning. Synonyms are used to increase the fluency of the sentence and avoid using the same words again. You can also increase the understandability and clarity of the text by using synonyms. You can improving your communication skills by learning Spanish synonyms.

What is a Synonyms?

Synonyms are different words with the same or similar meanings found everywhere in speech, including nouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions.

As an example of Spanish synonyms, let’s look at the word “bonito”. The word “Bonito” has two different synonyms: “Hermoso” and “Bello”

The meanings of these words are not always the same. For example, “bonito” is often used to express that objects or people are pleasant, attractive or cute. For example, “bonita casa” (beautiful house)

  • Hermoso; It is preferred in more poetic or emotional contexts. For example, “hermoso paisaje” (magnificent view)
  • Bello; It can be used in a more formal or literary context. For example, “bella poesía” (beautiful poetry)

The main idea of these three words is the same: All these synonyms refer to something beautiful.

What are the Types of Synonyms?

There are 5 types of synonyms;

  1. Exact Synonyms (Sinónimos Exactos)
  2. Partial Synonyms (Sinónimos Parciales)
  3. Synonymous Groups (Grupos Sinónimos)
  4. One-Way Synonyms (Sinónimos Unidireccionales)
  5. Contextual Synonyms (Sinónimos Contextuales)

Most Used Spanish Synonyms List

Learn various synonyms for the most commonly used words of Spanish.

WordsSynonym ISynonym IISynonym III
Casa Hogar Morada Domicilio
Amigo Compañero Colega Camarada
Libro Volumen Tomo Escrito
Coche Automóvil Vehículo Carro
Trabajo Labor Empleo Ocupación
Ciudad Urbe Metrópoli Municipio
Perro Can Cánido Canino
Gato Felino Minino Micho
Flor Brote Ramillete Floració
Madre Mamá Genitora Vieja
Niño Chico Infante Crío
Calle Vía Avenida Carretera
Cielo Firmamento Espacio Nubes
Luna Satélite Astro Lucero
Padre Papá Progenitor Genitor
Spanish Synonyms List

Spanish Synonyms for Beautiful

The word “beautiful” used as a compliment has many synonyms. Some of the synonyms of the word “Beautiful”, which means attractiveness, are as follows:

Hermoso/a, Bello/a, Bonito/a, Precioso/a, Guapo/a, Lindo/a, Atractivo/a, Encantador/a, Elegante, Radiante

Spanish Synonyms for Good

In addition to being used to describe the quality of an object, the word good can also be used to describe personality traits. Some of the synonyms of this word are as follows:

Bueno, Excelente, Aceptable, Maravilloso, Fantástico, Sobresaliente, Genial, Fenomenal, Fabuloso, Estupendo

Spanish Synonyms for Bad

This word, which is used both to describe the quality of an object and as a personality trait, has many meanings. Some of the synonyms of this word are as follows:

Malo, Pésimo, Malísimo, Deficiente, Negativo, Dañino, Nocivo, Maligno, Deplorable, Horroroso

Spanish Synonyms for Happy

The word “Happy”, which means Cheerful , has many synonyms in English. Some of the synonyms of this word are as follows:

Feliz, Contento, Alegre, Gozoso, Jubiloso, Dichoso, Contentillo, Radiante, Eufórico, Regocijado

Spanish Synonyms for Love

The word “Love”, which means affection, has many synonyms in Spanish. Some of the synonyms of this word are as follows:

Amor, Caridad, Cariño, Afición, Devoción, Pasión, Afecto, Querer, Ternura, Encanto

Spanish Synonyms for Big

When we express the size of something, we use the word “Big”, which means large, huge. Some of the synonyms of this word are as follows:

Grande, Amplio, Espacioso, Vasto, Enorme, Gigante, Colosal, Macizo, Sobresaliente, Monumental

10 Spanish Nouns with Synonyms(Sustantivos)

The 10 most common nouns and their synonyms are as follows:

  1. Mesa(Table): Tabla, Escritorio, Mostrador, Plataforma, Banco
  2. Agua(Water): H2O, Líquido, Hidrato, Bebida, Fluidos
  3. Montaña(Mountain): Colina, Sierra, Cordillera, Pico, Cumbre
  4. Comida(Food): Alimento, Nutrición, Sustento, Provisiones, Abastecimiento
  5. Auto(Car): Coche, Vehículo, Automóvil, Automotor, Carro
  6. Amigo(Friend): Compañero, Camarada, Colega, Aliado, Socio
  7. Cielo(Sky): Firmamento, Atmosfera, Espacio, Aire, Nubes
  8. Playa(Beach): Firmamento, Atmosfera, Espacio, Aire, Nubes
  9. Casa(House): Costa, Orilla, Ribera, Litoral, Bordo
  10. Calle(Street): Avenida, Calzada, Carretera, Camino, Vía

10 Spanish Adjective with Synonyms(Adjetivo)

The 10 most common adjective and their synonyms are as follows:

  1. Bueno/a (Good): Excelente, Aceptable, Maravilloso, Fantástico
  2. Bonito/a (Pretty/Beautiful): Hermoso/a, Bello/a, Precioso/a, Encantador/a
  3. Grande (Big/Large): Amplio/a, Espacioso/a, Vasto/a, Enorme
  4. Feliz (Happy): Contento/a, Alegre, Gozoso/a, Jubiloso/a
  5. Interesante (Interesting): Atractivo/a, Fascinante, Intrigante, Apasionante
  6. Triste (Sad): Melancólico/a, Deprimido/a, Apesadumbrado/a, Desolado/a
  7. Divertido/a (Fun): Entretenido/a, Ameno/a, Gracioso/a, Alegre
  8. Fácil (Easy): Sencillo/a, Simple, Cómodo/a, Liviano/a
  9. Difícil (Difficult): Complicado/a, Arduo/a, Complejo/a, Intrincado/a
  10. Rápido/a (Fast/Quick): Veloz, Ligero/a, Ágil, Pronto/a

10 Spanish Verb with Synonyms(Verbo)

The 10 most common verb and their synonyms are as follows:

  1. Hablar (To speak): Conversar, Charlar, Dialogar, Platicar
  2. Comer (To eat): Ingerir, Degustar, Probar, Cenar
  3. Caminar (To walk): Andar, Pasear, Recorrer, Transitar
  4. Correr (To run): Trotar, Apresurarse, Corretear, Apurar
  5. Saltar (To jump): Brincar, Dar un salto, Dar un brinco, Saltarizar
  6. Dormir (To sleep): Descansar, Reposar, Echarse, Soñar
  7. Bailar (To dance): Danzar, Moverse al ritmo, Requebrar, Bailotear
  8. Pensar (To think): Reflexionar, Meditar, Considerar, Cavilar
  9. Cantar (To sing): Entonar, Tararear, Vocalizar, Gorjear
  10. Escribir (To write): Redactar, Escribir a mano, Componer, Trazar

Recommended Tools/Websites for Finding Spanish Synonyms

Tools and websites you can use to find Spanish synonyms are listed below;

  • WordReference: WordReference is an excellent online dictionary that provides synonyms for Spanish words.
  • Linguee: Linguee is a bilingual dictionary that provides translations and synonyms for words and phrases in various contexts.
  • Dicionario de Sinónimos y Antónimos: This is an online Spanish thesaurus that provides synonyms and antonyms for Spanish words.
  • SpanishDict: SpanishDict is a popular online Spanish-English dictionary that provides synonyms for Spanish words.
  • The website of the Real Academia Española (RAE) offers a comprehensive dictionary of the Spanish language, which includes synonyms for Spanish words.

Differences Between Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings, while Spanish Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. For example, the synonym of the word “bello” is “hermoso” and the antonym is “feo”.

Luis Ronson

Luis Ronson is a Spanish teacher at He's a bilingual Spanish-English. She has a master's in "vocabulary" and is responsible for our Spanish vocabulary-related articles.

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